Ms Jessica Tan
Ms Heidi Tan
Dear colleagues and friends,
On behalf of the Organising and Scientific committees, we are delighted to invite you to the 7th National Occupational Therapy Conference (NOTC), organised by the Singapore Association of Occupational Therapists (SAOT). Earlier this year, SAOT celebrated the 10th OT Day where Occupational Therapists and individuals with different abilities came together to participate in a memorable walkathon. NOTC 2016 continues the theme of “S.T.R.I.D.E: Striving Towards integRating Individuals with Different abilitiEs” and exemplifies the value of Occupational Therapy for people from all walks of life.
We are honoured to have Dr. Anne Fisher and Dr. Natasha Layton as our esteemed keynote and plenary speakers. Delegates will be challenged to reflect on how we can ensure our practice is occupation-centred and how to integrate theory and evidence in assistive technology solutions. They will also be conducting pre-conference workshops.
In line with the conference theme, this year’s NOTC will be held at the Enabling Village (EV), a new community space that serve, and is supported by, people with diverse abilities. One of the conference highlights includes a guided tour around the EV facilities and its Enabling Innovation & Technology Centre. Another highlight is “STRIDE Chat” with two special guests who will share with us their inspiring stories of re-integrating back into society.
We look forward to submissions of abstracts for oral and poster presentations in various Occupational Therapy practice areas. Outstanding research and innovation presentations will stand to win the “Best Clinician Research Award” and the “Best Student Presentation Award”. To encourage sharing of knowledge and skills by OTs, we will call for submission of workshop proposals for the first time this year.
We hope that this conference will bring together OTs from Singapore and around the region to celebrate diversity and learn from each other. See you at NOTC 2016!